James Deane’s Mustang caught on fire!

Yet another fire related to drift this night… James Deane’s Mustang caught fire during media day in Long Beach.

Wanted to start the season with some heaters here in Long Beach, but not like this. The team has their work cut out for them to determine just what happened and get me back ready for Saturday. If any team can do it it’s the boys at RTR.

James Deane
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We’re happy to see everyone safe after James Deane’s vehicle caught fire during a run at FDLB Media Day. The in-car footage from @jamesdeane130 is even more wild than the spectator view.
We know James and the @rtrvehicles team are hard at work to get back on track! Wishing them luck as they get Ready to Rebuild! 🤘

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I figured i’m make a post since so many people are messaging me: I am okay everyone! My right arm is pretty burned up, but it could have been much worse! James Deane. was giving me a ride in his RTR Spec 5D when the car burst into flames! Fortunately, we both got out pretty quickly. I’m glad that I was the passenger and not a regular media or fan, cause I don’t think they would have made it out as fast as I did. What a ride!!!

Kevin Darwish
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