LZ will race FD Atlanta instead of Drift Masters Spain

During the first round of the Formula Drift in Long Beach, Adam LZ reached the final in the Seeding bracket but lost to rising Japanese star Hiroya Minowa. The famous YouTuber’s main event wasn’t so successful—he lost to Chris Forsberg in the Top 32 battles.

LZ had planned to attend Drift Masters Spain instead of Formula Drift Atlanta, but the BMW E36 won’t arrive on time due to the bridge collapse in Baltimore.

The bridge collapse in Baltimore caused a chain of events that resulted in The Layover of the container that contained my Europe E36 getting postponed, so the car that we sent over to go compete in drift Masters in Spain at the first round wasn’t going to make it until like two weeks after the event so uh we basically decided as a team the best thing we could possibly do for our sponsors. You guys are to show up still, but rather than in Spain, show up in Atlanta because we had the blue E36.

Adam LZ

Adam is heading to Formula Drift Atlanta as his next destination.

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