Nakamura scores over 100 points with solid swings and angles

Like last year, the 2024 Gran Turismo D1 Grand Prix series will begin at Okuibuki Motor Park. The first and second races were held over two consecutive days on a special course set up in a ski resort’s parking lot.

Although vehicle speeds are not high, it is a risky course with almost no escape zones and close to concrete walls.

In 2024, many players from D1 Lights stepped up and entered, but Jinno and Yonouchi suffered machine trouble before the practice day and could not participate.

In Group A, Mekuwa scored 98.63 points with a sharp swing and a large turn, taking the lead. In Group B, Yokoi overtook his score in the first run, but rookie Yamanaka scored points in the second run with angles at corners and became the provisional top scorer.

The rankings will change after that. In Group C, Matsui scored points with his dynamic start and big angles in the first half and outran Yamanaka, while Murakami showed off his quick swings, turns, and big angles, scoring 99 points and taking the lead.

Kano of Group D showed a good running flow but could not match Murakami’s score. However, this year, he returned to the V8-equipped Silvia, and Nakamura, who had been scoring well in the practice runs, scored high points for angles and stability in the two corners and for all swings and turns. He posted a good score and won the solo race.

Just before the race, Kawabata could not race due to problems with the fuel pump and Ishikawa with the power steering hydraulic system.

The designated passing zone is behind the first corner. The inside side beyond that. They were set up in three locations outside of the corner you turned around.

Last year’s champion, Fujino, who had a good flow in the first run but missed the second zone, could not increase his points significantly in the second run and was defeated.

Yamanaka, who placed second in D1 Lights last year, was able to score high enough to be at the top for a while with his swings, angles, and stable running despite his debut.

Mad Mike was participating in the D1GP for the first time in a while with an RX-3 equipped with 4 rotors, but he was still having problems with his machine and running slowly.

Sobakiri, who changed his machine from Q60 to GR86, showed good swings and big angles and earned high scores.

Matsuyama, who changed his car from last season’s Supra to a GR Corolla, easily advanced to the chase with stable, wide-angle cornering.

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