Formula Drift rumours

Jacob Gettins and Kyle Mayhew chat live about Formula Drift 2024 rumours. Here are the key points:

There is no announcement about Adam LZ for the following year. RTR is more like arriving and driving and should be the best option.

An extra seat at RTR

James Deane is probably locked for yet another year. Possible options for RTR include Ben Hopson (a rookie risk), Alec Robbins, Travis Reeder, Jeff Jones, and Steve Baggsy.

Kenda Tyres and Wang

Kenda Tyres released Forrest Wang from the contract. Earlier on, Zeknova tyres have worked with Wang.


Due to logistics issues, Darren Kelly appeared only in the first half of the season.

Will Federico Sceriffo return to the 2024 Formula Drift campaign? A car is still in the USA.

Will Kristaps Bluss compete for the full season?

The Top 3 guys from PROSPEC will move to the PRO.

Will Piotr Wiecek return to the Formula Drift?

Who gonna retire next?

If Fredric Aasbo or Chris Forsberg will claim the title.

Team shifts

Will Jonathan Hurst team up with Taylor Hull?


Ryan Lanteigne and Pad from Race Control retired.

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