Chris Forsberg rebuilds Nissan Z!

The 2023 year wasn’t the best for Chris Forsberg. A ten-time event winner finished only 8th overall with only one podium finish in Atlanta.

Let’s hear from Chris now: “Last year, I didn’t end the season the way I expected. Running Noback, the Z was put into the wall at Formula Drift Irwindale. This means there is definitely damage to suspension components, the frame, and more! Luckily, it happened at the end of the season, and we can spend the off-season to get the pro car 100% sorted!”

“I figured it would be sick to show you guys what goes into building a professional-level drift car and drive deep into it since we didn’t before. This episode starts with us taking the stripped-down chassis to Kings Auto Body Shop in Huntington Beach, CA, to have an inspection. You guys will see the results of the damage and how much work has to be done!”, – Chris continued.

In the last episode, you saw us take my Nos Energy Drink Nissan Z to King’s Auto Body to check for frame damage. We brought it home and dove deep to inspect the car from the bottom to the top! We found some things we wanted to refresh, but then we discovered some things that needed to be fixed or changed immediately.

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