Drift Bulletin

Wiecek wins in Ferropolis and keeps his championship alive!

Welcome to Ferropolis, the drifting island in Germany! Read more about qualification.

Top 32

This big surprise on the tandem runs – Itay Sadeh eliminates Jack Shanahan! Marco Zakouril retires from the competition due to a steering system failure.

Standings after the Top 32

#DrifterR1R2R3R4R5 tandemsR5 QR6Total
1Jack Shanahan55489110216312
2Conor Shanahan703210855322299
3Juha Rintanen321034976323295
4Lauri Heinonen88565453326289
5Duane Mckeever7788166432277
6Piotr Wiecek102233924325225
7Kevin Pesur16485222321171
8Benediktas Čirba16503232327169
9Kevin Piskolty48165016324166
10Diogo Correia016763232156

Top 16

Tor Arne Kvia, Kevin Pesur and Piotr Wiecek advance to the top 8. McKeever is out due to driveshaft failure.

Standings after the Top 16

#DrifterR1R2R3R4R5 TandemsR5 QR6Total
1Conor Shanahan703210855482315
2Jack Shanahan55489110216312
3Juha Rintanen321034976483311
4Lauri Heinonen88565453486305
5Duane Mckeever7788166432277
6Piotr Wiecek102233924485241
7Kevin Pesur16485222481187
8Naoki Nakamura167603248172
9Benediktas Čirba16503232327169
10Kevin Piskolty48165016324166

Top 8

It’s getting very hot in the championship – according to the current situation, even Piotr Wiecek can still claim the title. Kvia and Pesur get OMT. Randallu crashes, and Wiecek moves to the Top 4.

Standings after the Top 8

#DrifterR1R2R3R4R5 TandemsR5 QR6#
1Conor Shanahan703210855642331
2Lauri Heinonen88565453646321
3Jack Shanahan55489110216312
4Juha Rintanen321034976483311
5Duane Mckeever7788166432277
6Piotr Wiecek102233924645257
7Kevin Pesur16485222641203
8Naoki Nakamura167603248172
9Benediktas Čirba16503232327169
10Kevin Piskolty48165016324166

Standings after the Top 4

#DrifterR1R2R3R4R5 TandemsR5 QR6Total
1Conor Shanahan703210855882355
2Lauri Heinonen88565453646321
3Jack Shanahan55489110216312
4Juha Rintanen321034976483311
5Piotr Wiecek102233924885281
6Duane Mckeever7788166432277
7Kevin Pesur16485222641203
8Naoki Nakamura167603248172
9Benediktas Čirba16503232327169
10Kevin Piskolty48165016324166


Kevin Pesur beat Lauri Heinonen in the battle for 3rd. Conor and Piotr get OMT.

Conor needs to get 3rd in Poland to secure the championship.

Final standings

#DrifterR1R2R3R4R5 tandemsR5 QR6Total
1Conor Shanahan703210855882355
2Lauri Heinonen88565453646321
3Jack Shanahan55489110216312
4Juha Rintanen321034976483311
5Piotr Wiecek1022339241005293
6Duane Mckeever7788166432277
7Kevin Pesur16485222761215
8Naoki Nakamura167603248172
9Benediktas Cirba16503232327169
10Kevin Piskolty48165016324166

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Tor Arne Kvia wins qualification in Ferropolis

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