Drift Masters 2024 calendar

Well, this is not official, but drift.news has gathered information from various sources, and we want to share our thoughts with you!

As usual, there will be six events between May and September – this is confirmed.

Ricardo Tormo track

A couple of weeks ago, we saw a Spanish driver in the final round of the 2023 Drift Masters European Championship in Warsaw, Poland. Later, 2021 and 2022 champion Piotr Wiecek was testing Jarama track near Madrid and Ricardo Tormo track near Valencia. Our sources say that there will most likely be a race in Valencia this May.

Mondello Park is another iconic place for drifting, and the Drift Masters didn’t race there only during C19 times.

Sadly, there are rumours that DMEC will not return to fast and challenging Sweden.

Tickets to the race in Power Park, Finland, sold out in a couple of days. Later, Finnish television bought the license to broadcast the show again. Drift Masters will most likely return to Finland next July.

Latvia is the only country in Drift Masters history to have hosted the event every year since its start. Bikernieki stuff has been confirmed to drift.news is that the first weekend of August is reserved for Drift Masters.

Dustin Bends

We don’t have a clear picture about the 5th round. Usually, it should be Ferropolis in Germany. Still, a couple of weeks ago, Iron Drift Kings updated the description of their Instagram account, and everything mentioning the Drift Masters European Championship is gone.

Germany, France and Italy have various venues to handle the event. There are great tracks in Greece (Serres), Hungary (Mariapocs), the Czech Republic (Brno) and Austria (Greinbach), but all of them have some issues. Distant location, noise regulations, small tribunes.

Drift Masters European Championship
Drift Masters European Championship

The event in Warsaw was a massive success. Earlier, one of the DMEC staff said, “I cannot confirm, and I cannot deny that Drift Masters will return to PGE”. There isn’t an announcement on the PGE website, but we think the final round of 2024 will be held in the same place as last year. Our guess is mid-September!

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