Formula Drift eliminating single qualifying runs

In 2024, Formula DRIFT will take a bold step forward by embracing a reimagined tandem-only format and eliminating single qualifying runs.

This historic change ensures a more dynamic and continuous competition, filling every moment on the track with unparalleled excitement and setting the stage for the next twenty years.

The competition will have three different formats depending on the number of drifters in the event:

  • Less than 32 competitors
  • 33 – 40 competitors
  • 41 – 48 competitors

2024 Prospec will use the 41 – 48 and PRO 33 – 40 formats.

33 – 40

The highest-ranked 24 drivers from the previous round will be “locked in” to the “Main
Event Top 32” bracket (excluding Round 1, which is based on the previous season
The remaining drivers will populate a 16-driver “Seeding Bracket” that will be sorted by
a random number between 2 and 7.
The 16 drivers of the “Seeding Bracket” will continue until there is a winner.
The 24 “locked-in drivers” and the 8 winning drivers from the Seeding Bracket” will populate
the “Main Event Top 32” bracket.
Bye Runs will not implemented.
Winners will be determined in accordance with the Tandem Elimination Format.

32 drivers or less

The highest-ranked 24 drivers from the previous round will be “locked in” to the “Main
Event Top 32” bracket (excluding Round 1, which is based on the previous season
The remaining drivers will populate an 8-driver “Seeding Bracket” that will be sorted by
a random number between 2 and 4.
The 8-driver “Seeding Bracket” will continue until there is a winner.
The 24 “locked-in” drivers and the 8 drivers from the “Seeding Bracket” will populate
positions 25-32 will populate the “Main Event Top 32” bracket by finishing rank.
Bye Runs will not be implemented.
Winners will be determined in accordance with the Tandem Elimination Format.

Seeding bracket format

For 2024, no single-run Qualifying will populate the “Main Event Top 32” bracket.
The “Main Event Top 32” bracket will be populated with a “Seeding Bracket” based on the
number of drivers entered in the event.

41 drivers or more:

The highest ranked 16 drivers from the previous round will be “locked in” to the “Main
Event Top 32” bracket (excluding Round 1, which is based on the previous season
The remaining drivers will populate a 32-driver “Seeding Bracket” that will be sorted by
a random number between 2 and 15.
The “Seeding Bracket” will conclude with 16 winning drivers (one round of tandem
The 16 “locked-in drivers” and the 16 winning drivers from the “Seeding Bracket” will
populate the “Main Event Top 32” bracket.
Bye runs will not be implemented.
Winners will be determined in accordance with the Tandem Elimination Format.

33-40 drivers:

The highest-ranked 24 drivers from the previous round will be “locked in” to the “Main
Event Top 32” bracket (excluding Round 1, which is based on the previous season
The remaining drivers will populate a 16-driver “Seeding Bracket” that will be sorted by
a random number between 2 and 7.
The 16 drivers of the “Seeding Bracket” will continue until there is a winner.
The 24 “locked-in drivers” and the 8 winning drivers from the Seeding Bracket” will populate
the “Main Event Top 32” bracket.
Bye Runs will not implemented.
Winners will be determined in accordance with the Tandem Elimination Format.

32 drivers or less:

The highest-ranked 24 drivers from the previous round will be “locked in” to the “Main
Event Top 32” bracket (excluding Round 1, which is based on the previous season
The remaining drivers will populate an 8-driver “Seeding Bracket” that will be sorted by
a random number between 2 and 4.
The 8-driver “Seeding Bracket” will continue until there is a winner.
The 24 “locked-in” drivers and the 8 drivers from the “Seeding Bracket” will populate
positions 25-32 will populate the “Main Event Top 32” bracket by finishing rank.
Bye Runs will not be implemented.
Winners will be determined in accordance with the Tandem Elimination Format.

2024 rulebook here:

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