KD Kustoms battle series and workshop updates

Conor and Jack Shanahan are heading to Scotland to participate in the second round of the KD Kustoms battles series, and they have some new content for us.

Just to keep you informed, there are a few updates on the workshop. Jack is currently trying to obtain Fionn’s car paint, while Conor’s back has been repaired for both the roof and side skirt. Additionally, the front part of the car has been stripped down. The next tasks on the list include working on the drive shaft, exhaust, and rear subframe.

Toyota GT86 is the best car in the world, it really suits my driving style!

Conor Shanahan

In this episode, we travel to Scotland to the KD Kustoms Battle Series. Also on this episode we give more workshop updates! Hope ye enjoy!

The Shanahans
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