Benediktas Čirba

Čirba wins Oman round 3 qualification!

Oman International Drift Championship has reached the second half. today will help you cover the third round’s qualification.

First runs

Nikolas Solomon – 73 points.

Clint van Oort – 60.

Ahmed Al Amri – 84 and first place at the moment.

Edgars Krogers from Latvia – 55 only.

Haitham Alhadidy – 70.

Steve Baggsy spins! It’s a zero for Briton.

Tymur Lypski – 67.

Andrius Vasiliauskas – 82 for Lithuanian and third place with five drivers to go!

Ali Maksheed gets 80, and he’s fourth. Ahmad Daham – 76.

Alan Hynes is very fast, but the judges awarded him with 64 only. A lot of room for improvement.

Nikolass Bertans – 73.

Nice run from championship leader Benediktas Čirba – Lithuanian gets 93 points and moves to first. Do you know Čirba’s car number in the Drift Masters European championship is 93?

Second runs

Clint van Oort – 72.

Edgars Krogers gets 50 in his second run – the first was a bit better. 55 points and 26th at the moment.

Steve Baggsy got zero on the first run. 74 points and 13th position.

Tymur Lypski – 63 and 20th position now.

Andrius Vasiliauskas – 65 points only. Luckily, he got 82 in first.

Ali Maksheed is doing great in the second run – 85 and 2nd position.

Ahmad Daham – 88 points, and he moves to second.

Alan Hynes – 77, and it pushes him to 11th.

Benediktas Čirba doesn’t improve but still wins the qualification!

The tandem table

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