The Shanahans announced the main partner for the 2024 season

For the 2024 drift season, Conor and Jack Shanahan have secured a new partnership with Ecumasters, who will become the main sponsor for the Drift Masters drivers.

Dustin Bents
Dustin Bents photo

As the 2024 season is approaching fast, we have some big news. We want to welcome Ecumaster to the team as a principal partner for the upcoming Drift Masters season; we are excited to start working together and installing the excellent products in the three GT86. ECU Master, thank you for the support, and welcome to the team! 

The Shanahans
Conor Shanahan / Dvam_keturi media

Delighted to have Jack and Conor Shanahan joining the Ecumaster family for 2024. Side James Deane with the complete Ecumaster package supporting there builds I’m looking forward to there adventures this year.



Ecumaster was founded in 2009 and is the fastest-growing engine management manufacturer in the tuning and motorsport market. Our products are successfully used by teams competing in many different forms of motorsports, such as drifting, drag racing, rally and circuit racing. Our extensive dealer network covers all European countries as well as the US, Australia and Asia. Our goal is to design and manufacture the best equipment possible whilst maintaining excellent value, and ensuring that the products are versatile and user-friendly. The level of quality and available tuning strategies, together with competitive pricing, make our products a very attractive package. In order to maintain high product quality and close control at all stages of production, development and manufacturing done in-house (Poland). We make every possible effort to ensure that our products meet the highest quality standards, and also the high expectations of our customers.

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