Tickets to Drift Masters Finland are available (prices)

Tickets to the 3rd round of the Drift Masters championship are available. The fans of the Finnish event will be able to buy 14850 tickets! Six thousand eight hundred fifty have seats, 2,500 with stands, 1 500 pit, and 4,000 after-party tickets.

The race will take place at Powerpark on the 5th & 6th of July.

Ticket prices start from 103.60 Euros for Track Seisomakatsomo and rise to 453.60 Euros for VIPs.

All details and links to the tickets:

Each time has its ticket for sale, which you can add to your cart while reviewing your order. So, first, you have to add the event ticket to your cart.

VIP tickets include many other things: Access to the pit for the whole weekend, food, drinks, and remembering the best spots of the event.

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