Who will win Oman 2024? (situation before qualification)

This Friday, the Oman International Drift Championship winner will be crowned. James Deane got a comfortable lead over Ahmad Daham and Juha Rintanen, but overall, seven drivers are still in the race for the title. James Deane, Ahmad Daham, Juha Rintanen, Clint van Oort, Ahmed Al Amri, Edgars Krogeris and Nasser Al Harbali.

Oman Automobile Association

During the last round of OIDC 2024, 111 points are on the board: 11 for the victory in qualification and 100 for the tandem run.

1James Deane111001180202
2Ahmad Daham33210100145-57
3Juha Rintanen980148138-64
4Clint van Oort856148113-89
5Ahmed Al Amri748248105-97
6Edgars Krogeris16413298-104
7Nasser Al Harbali44883292-110
8Nikolas Bertāns 21666488-114
9Benediktas Čirba13234884-118
10Sebastian Fontijn 104811675-127
Championship standings before the last round.

After qualification, we will update our analysis.

Very slim

The chances of Nasser Al Harbali, Edgars Krogeris, and Ahmed Al Amri are extremely slim: at least they need a victory in the tandems, a strong result in qualification (Nasser has to be first), and hope that James Deane couldn’t qualify to the Top 32.

Still possible

If James Deane loses in the Top 32, Ahmad Daham, Juha Rintanen, and Clint van Oort can still make it. Boys need a victory in the tandems, a strong result in qualification, and in case of

Ahmad Daham

Ahmad Daham – James loses in the Top 8 and qualifies lower than 6th.

Juha Rintanen – James loses in the Top 16, qualifies lower than 7th, and Daham doesn’t advance to the final.

Clint van Oort – James loses in the Top 32 and qualifies lower than 6th, Daham doesn’t advance to the final, Rintanen qualifies lower than 6th or doesn’t advance to the final.

There are some other options, but they strongly depend on qualification results.

James Deane

James Deane

If the Irishman advances to the Top 4, he wins the championship.

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