Wiecek’s development on Supra

Piotr Wiecek and his team are fearlessly pushing the limits as they develop their new Toyota Supra, fully confident in their ability to dominate the in 2024 Drift Masters championship.

During the last couple of weeks, drifters made minor changes to the car. The team suffered technical issues with Supra’s rear end in this test but couldn’t fix everything on the testing facilities.

Piotr said that the steering of the Supra was good, but the rear grip still does not match the S15. Simply, the car is behaving nicely. It’s already in this spec and will be suitable for competition, but Toyota needs more grip in the back for the battles. It’s closer than Wiecek expected, but the car should gain a bit of a side grip to be more snappy.

There’s not a big difference between the S15 and this car, but this makes a difference in the competition.

Wiecek also was happy with tandem runs, and now the team is focusing on gaining more data from the car. At the moment, Nissan is faster from the line. It’s faster in case of a side grip and lacks a front grip in Supra.

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