Adam LZ and James Deane drift training

The Formula Drift season will kick off next weekend in the streets of Long Beach. Adam LZ joins James Deane for the practice session at Virginia International Raceway.

Due to embargo requirements, Adam couldn’t share new livery or first impressions on the Ford Mustang – more details will be revealed on the 2nd of April.

Adam LZ drifter profile.

Back in the seat and excited to take on Long Beach – took a few laps to get back into the groove, but as always they’re a weapon!

Adam LZ
Formula Drift / James Deane
Formula Drift / James Deane

James Deane drifter profile.

Really cool. The engines are crazy, and the whole setup is like nothing I have driven. It’s like going back to school! It’s a lot to learn, but I am super excited!

James Deane
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