Best qualifiers of 2022: Drift Masters

Last year Piotr Więcek claimed two victories in the Drift Masters European Championship and defended the 2021 title. But who was the best qualifier the previous year? We did some maths and picked the Top 10 Drift Masters qualifiers of 2022. The one rule for this list was that the driver should compete in at least two events.

#10 Pawel Korpulinski

The man from Gdansk was second best in the penultimate round in Ferropolis, Germany. Meanwhile, the best qualification was done in Riga – 90 points and 11th place.

Average qualifying score – 88 points.

Championship – 23rd.

Pawel Korpulinski drifter profile

#9 Nikolass Bertans

The average result from the youngster from Latvia was 88,5 points in qualifying. In Bikernieki, Nikolass scored 94 points and was fourth on the grid.

Average qualifying score – 88,5 points.

Championship – 28th.

Nikolass Bertans drifter profile

#8 Adam Zalewski

Polishman finished 8th in last year’s championship, and his average qualifying score was 89. The best show from Adam was in Riga – 92 points and 8th place.

Average qualifying score – 89 points.

Championship – 8th.

Adam Zalewski drifter profile

#7 Orjan Nilsen

Last year the Norwegian scored 94 points twice – in Modello park (5th) and Bikernieki (3rd).

Average qualifying score – 92 points.

Championship – 12th.

Orjan Nilsen drifter profile

#6 Tor Arne Kvia

Drift Masters nuotr.

Another Norwegian on our list. Kvia was great in Austria – 95 points and second place in qualifying.

Average qualifying score – 92,2 points.

Championship – 5th.

Tor Arne Kvia drifter profile

#5 Duane McKeever

Duane was flying in Sweden, scoring Drift Masters carrier high 98 points (2nd).

Average qualifying score – 92,4 points.

Championship – 6th.

Duane McKeever drifter profile

#4 Conor Shanahan

Last year Irishman won in Austria and was fourth in the championship. Conor was the best in the Lodz stadium – 98 points (1st). The lowest qualifying score was in Austria – 90 points (8th).

Average qualifying score – 94.67 points.

Championship – 3rd.

Conor Shanahan drifter profile

#3 Piotr Więcek

Piotr was nearly perfect in Riga – Polishman scored 99 points (1st) and claimed a victory by beating James “The Machine” Deane in the final.

Average qualifying score – 95 points.

Championship – 1st.

Piotr Wiecek drifter profile

#2 James Deane

The best result in Drift Masters qualification for James Deane was 99 points in Ferropolis four years ago. In 2022 Irishman couldn’t improve – the best result was 98 (2nd) in the opening round in Mondello Park.

Average qualifying score – 95,33 points.

Championship – 4th.

James Deane drifter profile

#1 Jack Shanahan

Your best qualifier of the year! Jack scored 99 points twice (Ireland and Sweden) and battled for the championship until Top16 in Poland but couldn’t overcome Piotr Wiecek.

Average qualifying score – 96,5 points.

Championship – 2nd.

Jack Shanahan drifter profile

Drift Masters European championship will start on the 6th of May in Modello Park, Ireland. Find out more!

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