Drift Masters

First wildcards for the last DMEC event (Kvia, Baggsy)

The organizers of the Drift Masters European Championship announced the first 8 out of 9 wildcard drivers for the last round in Warsaw!

After an incredible performance in Germany on his return to the Drift Masters grid, Norwegian driver Tor Arne Kvia will return once again for the biggest drift event the World has ever seen, our Grand Finale on September 15th & 16th at the PGE Narodowy!

Kvia, a firm Drift Masters fan-favourite, topped qualifying in Germany and went all the way to the Top 8 proving he’s still a force to be reckoned with in a major way.

Drift Masters

That’s right, Drift Masters fans. Next up on our list of wildcard drivers for our Grand Finale, the World’s biggest drift event EVER, is none other than Steve “Baggsy” Biagioni!

Having been a regular on the DMEC grid over the years, Baggsy is ready to return to the grid for the final event of the season to see if he can take the top spot on the final podium of the season and upset the hopes of championship contenders on his way.

Drift Masters

The drivers are: Dawid Sposób, Krzysztof Romanowski, Piotr Kozłowski, Mateusz Suski, Grzegorz Hypki and Rubén Bolaños López.

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