Interesting facts about FD Seattle

Round 6 in Seattle gave us many exciting battles and interesting things to analyze. Let’s remember qualification and tandem battles.


Formula Drift photo

In the 2023 FD season, Matt Field has become the fifth man to secure the top qualifying spot. The score of 91.66 points is the highest result Matt achieved this season thus far.

Aurimas Bakchis qualified second in Seattle – this is the best result for a Lithuanian driver in 2023.

Simen Olsen made his best qualifying run in the 20th FD season – 89.33!

Ryan Tuerck got only 80.33, the lowest score for a Corolla driver this year.

Jeff Jones was the only man who could put the score on the board.

The average qualification score in Seattle was the second-lowest this season: 77.20.

Tandems battles

Chelsea DeNofa is the first man to win two rounds in the 2023 Formula Drift championship.

Formula Drift photo

Dylan Hughes and James Deane got their first podium of the season.

Formula Drift photo

Ryan Turck finished 4th – this is his best result this year.

Championship rookie Diego Higa won his first battle in Formula Drift – in the Top32, he overcame Daniel Stuke.

Drifters profiles.

Championship standings.

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