Wildcard drivers for Drift Masters Riga

The Drift Kings of Riga organisers announced the first set of wildcard drivers for the Bikernieki event!

They will be 10, but five from Latvia! Every Drift Masters Grand Prix stage has 10 Wildcards, half are won by local, national athletes, but 5 remain for others who really want to go to Riga! What will be the five, there will be more information, and we can definitely say that you will like this information! BUT our five Latvians, for whom this year to applaud in the stands, hold thumbs and bring flags and support, is the time to get to know right now! Five athletes who will represent Latvia in this year’s Drift Masters Grand Prix Drift Masters GP Drift King of Riga 2023

Latvia Drift

Nikolass Bertans, Edgars Kroģeris, Kristians Burkovs, Jānis Bērziņš and Ozolins Reinis.

Also > James Deane, Ali Maksheed, Ao Vaida, Jako Pino, Andrius Vasiliauskas.

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